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How to Speed up 3D Printing

  • 6 min read

How to Speed Up 3D Printing to Get More 3D Items Fast?

These days, 3D printing finds applications in a wide array of fields, catering to both individual users and industrial-scale production. However, many users may have experienced a situation where the time required for the printer to finish the job seems never-ending. This not only hampers overall efficiency but also consumes more materials in the process. Hence, the quest for how to speed up 3D printing has become a priority.

If you've found yourself in this situation, fret not. In this article, we'll uncover practical strategies and tips to transform your 3D printing process into a faster and more efficient endeavor.

Why You Need to Speed Up Your 3D Printer?

As the demand for 3D-printed objects in various industries continues to grow, reducing production time is of the essence. Increasing 3D print speed comes with a multitude of benefits that can make a significant difference in your projects, whether you're a professional or a passionate hobbyist.

  • Enhanced Efficiency:Speeding up your 3D printer means you can produce more items in less time. This is especially important for mass production.
  • Reduced Costs:Long print times consume more electricity and material. By minimizing these factors, you can cut operational costs significantly.
  • Increased Productivity:A faster 3D printer can boost your overall productivity. More items can be produced in a given timeframe, leading to an expanded output.
  • Wider Applications:Faster 3D printing becomes more feasible to tackle larger or time-sensitive projects.

In situations where meeting tight project deadlines and enhancing production efficiency are top priorities, achieving faster 3D printing is an absolute necessity. That's where the AnkerMake M5 3D Printersteps in, offering a perfect blend of speed, precision, and exceptional quality.

This printer supports a variety of other materials, including PETG/PET, ABS, TPU, and more. It boasts an impressive printing speed of up to 500mm/s and offers a fine precision level as low as 0.1mm. Whether you intend to craft models or mechanical components, it handles both tasks with ease. The printer is equipped with a 4.3-inch touchscreen, providing an intuitive interface for effortless control panel settings and real-time print monitoring.

Common Ways to Make 3D Print Faster

Whether you want to save costs or improve efficiency, you're lucky to have various hardware and software adjustments to faster 3d printing while still ensuring a successful print outcome. Now, let's have a look at some of them.

Increase Nozzle Size

One of the primary methods to enhance your 3D printing speed is by increasing the nozzle size. The nozzle determines the width of the extruded filament. With a larger nozzle, more material is extruded with each pass, leading to fewer layers in the final print. This means less time spent on infill and outer shell layers. Furthermore, a larger nozzle size results in fewer movements of the print head so that the 3D printing process can be fastened.

However, it's important to note that fine details can be compromised when the nozzle size is increased. Besides, the larger the nozzle size, the lower the surface smoothness, and the greater the material consumption. So, the choice of nozzle size should align with the specific needs of your project.

Adjust Slicer Settings

The second method to speed up 3D printing is by tweaking your slicer settings. The slicer software plays a pivotal role in translating your 3D model into a set of instructions for the printer. Through the slicer, you can adjust parameters such as print speed, layer thickness, and infill density.

  • Print Speed:Increase the print speed in your slicer settings. The faster the printing speed, the shorter the printing time. However, be cautious not to push the slicer to the point where it compromises print quality.
  • Layer Height:Opt for thicker layers. This reduces the number of layers needed to complete the print, consequently reducing the print time. However, this may have an impact on printing precision.
  • Support and Raft Settings:Adjust or remove support structures and rafts where possible. This not only reduces material usage but also speeds up the printing process.

Infill Pattern & Infill Density

The third method to speed up 3D prints is optimizing infill patterns and density. Selecting the right pattern and adjusting infill density can significantly impact both print time and material consumption.

  • Infill Pattern Selection:

Infill patterns define the internal structure of your 3D-printed objects. To increase 3D print speed, opt for straightforward infill patterns like the grid or lines. These patterns require less time to print compared to intricate ones like gyroid or honeycomb.

  • Infill Density Optimization:

Infill density refers to the amount of material used to fill the interior of your prints. The higher the infill density, the greater the strength of the printed model, but it also requires a longer printing time.

Thus, for prototypes and decorative items, lower infill density (around 10-20%) is suitable, which can significantly speed up the printing process and save material.

Increase Layer Height

The fourth method is to increase the layer height. Layer height refers to the height at which the 3D printer deposits or extrudes material for each layer during the printing process.

  • By increasing the layer height, each layer is thicker, reducing the overall number of layers needed to complete the print. This translates to a faster printing process as the print head travels less distance.
  • With fewer layers, the printer spends less time on intricate details, leading to quicker completion of the entire project. This is especially beneficial for prints where fine details are less critical.

While increasing the layer height can speed up the process, it might compromise some fine details. What’s more, ensure that the increased layer height doesn't affect layer adhesion and overall structural stability. Experimentation and calibration may be necessary.

Use Fast 3D Printer

Another effective way of how to make 3D prints faster is by investing in a high-speed 3D printer. Fast 3D printers can significantly cut down the time required for your projects. The AnkerMake M5C 3D Printer is a prime example of such a device, designed for rapid and efficient printing. This printer boasts an impressive printing speed of up to 500mm/s and a remarkable printing precision of 0.1mm, which means you can produce 3D prints in significantly less time without sacrificing quality.

Furthermore, it boasts an extrusion flow of 35 mm³/s, surpassing the common 24 mm³/s rate. The higher extrusion flow means that the printer offers a faster printing speed, making it particularly suitable for applications that demand rapid production. It also features an all-metal hotend, ideal for handling high-temperature materials, and the multi-device control feature makes it easy for multiple users to share a single printer.

Reduce the Amount of Support Material

As for how to 3D print faster, minimizing the amount of support material is the last but not least approach. Support structures are essential for printing complex designs, but they can slow down the printing process. So, you can:

  • Modify the 3D model to reduce overhangs and intricate features that necessitate extensive support structures. This reduction can significantly decrease your need for support material.
  • Modify support density and infill, as less dense support structures consume less time and material.

However, reducing the use of support material can introduce certain challenges, such as diminished print strength and compromised print precision. Therefore, when deciding whether to utilize support material, it's essential to take a balanced approach that considers the specific requirements of your model.


Increasing 3D printing speed not only reduces production time and enhances efficiency but also contributes to a reduction in energy and material consumption. This article has explored several ways of how to speed up 3D printing. These techniques have a proven track record, serving as a foundation for faster and more efficient printing. However, it's essential to be aware that they may have some impact on print accuracy and strength. So you’d better carefully select the right techniques and tools.


Why is my 3D print so long?

3D printing time can vary due to several factors, such as:

  • Complexity of the model
  • Layer height
  • Infill patterns and density
  • Printing speed
  • Printing precision

Complex and highly detailed models will naturally take longer. Also, a slower print speed, while improving precision, can extend printing time. To accelerate your prints, consider adjusting these parameters to strike a balance between speed and quality.

What is the best print speed for PLA?

For PLA printing, optimal print speed can depend on the model size, 3D printer, and specific settings. Generally, a speed of 40 mm/s to 60mm/s is suitable for PLA. If you want to speed up PLA printing, you can try the following methods:

  • Use nozzles with larger size
  • Choose a low infill percentage
  • Reduce thickness of each layer

What is the fastest 3D printing speed?

The 3D printing speed can vary among printers. Currently, the fastest 3D printers can produce models at a speed of 100cm³/h or more. These high-speed printers are ideal for projects that prioritize rapid production. However, it's crucial to strike a balance between speed and print quality to achieve the best results for your specific needs.