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How to Tell if Filament is Wet

  • 7 min read

How to Tell If Filament Is Wet: Signs and Prevention Guide

Filament plays a crucial role in the 3D printing process, and exposing it to humidity or moisture can lead to significant issues during printing. But how to tell if filament is wet? When certain types of filaments absorb moisture, they tend to become brittle. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the reasons behind filament moisture, aiding you in recognizing the signs of wet filament to prevent potential damage to your prints. Additionally, we'll share useful proactive tips to shield your filaments from moisture absorption. Ready to safeguard your 3D prints? Continue reading and take action!

Why Does Filament Get Wet?

You might want to explore the factors contributing to filament moisture in 3D printing. It could cover aspects such as:
  • Environmental Humidity:Filament exposed to high-humidity environments will absorb moisture faster. Moisture absorption occurs even at relatively low humidity levels, affecting the filament's quality.
  • Improper Storage:Inadequate storage conditions, such as leaving filament spools open or storing them in humid areas, facilitate moisture absorption.
  • Filament Composition:Some materials, like nylon, possess a molecular structure that readily attracts moisture, making them more susceptible to absorbing moisture compared to other filaments.

Signs of Filament Getting Wet

To minimize losses, it is essential to spot the signs of filament moisture, which will help identify potential issues caused by wet filament. Now, let's examine the specific indicators that may suggest moisture within the filament.

Stringing: A Key Indicator of Moisture in Filament

Stringing, often seen as thin strands of plastic between the parts of a print, is a primary indicator of moisture in filament. This phenomenon occurs when the filament extrudes more than necessary, leading to unwanted fine threads that connect different sections of your print. When filament absorbs moisture, it tends to bubble and pop in the hot end of the printer, causing irregularities in flow and pressure that result in stringing.
Apart from stringing, you might also notice a decrease in the overall quality of the print, such as rough surface textures or weakened structural integrity. The presence of steam or hissing sounds coming from the hot end during printing is another telltale sign of moisture in the filament. Monitoring these symptoms closely can help in early detection and prevention of moisture-related issues, ensuring the integrity and quality of your 3D prints.

Surface Roughness

Surface roughness is a notable sign indicating moisture absorption in the filament used for 3D printing. When filament gets wet, it tends to exhibit surface imperfections, leading to a rough texture on printed models. This roughness can be observed as uneven surfaces, irregularities, or bumps on the printed object.

Moisture in the filament causes steam or bubbles to form during the printing process, leading to inconsistent extrusion and adhesion between layers. As a result, these imperfections can compromise the overall quality and aesthetics of the printed object, affecting its final appearance and structural integrity.

Popping, Hissing, or Sizzling Sounds during Printing

Popping, hissing, or sizzling sounds during the 3D printing process can serve as auditory indicators of filament that has absorbed moisture. These unusual noises occur due to the presence of water vapor or moisture trapped within the filament material.


When filament absorbs moisture, the water content turns into steam as it encounters the high temperatures within the hotend of the 3D printer during the printing process. This rapid conversion from liquid to vapor results in popping or hissing sounds emanating from the nozzle. These sounds can disrupt the smooth flow of the filament through the nozzle and adversely affect layer adhesion, resulting in an inconsistent extrusion pattern and compromised print quality.

Poor Layer Adhesion

Poor layer adhesion, observed as separation or weak bonds between printed layers, can be an indicative sign of filament that has absorbed moisture. The presence of moisture within the filament material causes steam pockets or bubbles to form during the extrusion process.
As these bubbles form and disrupt the flow of the molten filament, they may prevent proper fusion between layers. This interference can lead to poor bonding between adjacent layers, resulting in weak adhesion and compromised structural integrity of the printed object.

Print Defects like Bubbles or Warping

Print defects such as bubbles or warping in 3D prints often indicate that the filament has absorbed moisture. During the extrusion process, the absorbed moisture heats up and forms steam pockets, or bubbles, disrupting the smooth flow of the molten filament. These bubbles can then manifest as irregularities or voids in the printed object, affecting its overall quality and structural integrity.
Warping, on the other hand, occurs when the moisture content in the filament causes uneven cooling rates within the printed layers. As the filament cools unevenly, some sections contract more than others, leading to distortions or deformations in the printed object. This issue becomes apparent when sections of the print detach or lift from the print bed, resulting in a warped or distorted final product.


What to Do to Prevent the Filament from Getting Wet?

After learning about “how to tell if your filament is wet”, you can try some proactive measures to avoid the 3D printer filament moisture issue. Here are some strategies to preserve the integrity of your filament:

Store Filament Properly

Proper storage plays a crucial role in preventing filament moisture absorption. For example, you can use airtight containers or resealable bags to store your AnkerMake 3D printer filaments. Be sure to store it properly in humid months.

Avoid Humid Environments

Keep filament away from areas prone to high humidity. Store filament in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and damp areas, to minimize exposure to moisture.


Use Desiccant Packs

Desiccant packs, such as silica gel or other moisture-absorbing agents, are effective in reducing moisture. Place desiccant packs inside storage containers to maintain low humidity levels around the filament.

Consider Filament Dryers

Investing in a filament dryer can be beneficial, especially for filaments that have already absorbed moisture. Filament dryers help to remove moisture and restore filament to its optimal condition before use.
Maintaining optimal filament conditions is crucial for achieving high-quality 3D prints. If you aim to elevate your 3D printing capabilities, selecting a reliable 3D printer is imperative. Take a look at the best 3D printers:
  • AnkerMake M5 3D Printer
AnkerMake M5 3D Printer utilizes the latest innovation in 3D printing technology, setting a high speed of 500 mm/s for swift and efficient printing. It is compatible with various filament materials like PLA, ABS, PETG, and TPU. With precision down to 0.1 mm detail, this cutting-edge printer delivers impeccable accuracy. Equipped with built-in AI camera monitoring, it effortlessly captures the creative process and generates auto-created timelapses. The app connectivity allows seamless integration with multiple devices for streamlined operations. Its 7×7 auto-leveling ensures consistent accuracy, while the easy assembly makes setup hassle-free. Constructed with a durable aluminum alloy structure, it offers a generous print volume of 235×235×250 mm³, providing ample space for your creative projects.
  • AnkerMake M5C 3D Printer
AnkerMake M5C 3D Printer It is designed to elevate your printing experience to new heights. With its Easy Multi-Device Control through its app feature and Customizable One-Click Button, managing your printing tasks has never been easier. It enables you to experience lightning-fast printing speeds of up to 500 mm/s and a remarkable extrusion flow of 35 mm³/s, ensuring swift and efficient printing operations. It can achieve precision like never before with an impressive 0.1 mm printing capability. The 7×7 Auto-Leveling system guarantees accuracy, while the Full Aluminum Alloy Structure provides stability and durability for consistent and reliable printing. Additionally, the All-Metal Hotend ensures efficient heating and extrusion, delivering flawless prints with each use. It supports filaments like ABS, TPU, PLA+, PETG-CF, and PA-CF. With the printer's fast printing capability, no extra filament would be a waste, hence reducing the probability of getting wet filament.


To conclude, being aware of the signs that your filament is getting wet is crucial. Understanding "how to tell if filament is wet" is pivotal in safeguarding its quality. Don't hesitate to take action to protect it, as neglect may lead to further damage and deterioration. You should perform regular checks, maintain a dry storage area, or utilize vacuum packaging whenever possible, which will significantly reduce the risk of moisture-related damage to your valuable filament, ensuring its longevity for diverse printing applications. Taking proactive steps early on can prevent potential issues down the line. Remember, protecting your 3D printer filament from moisture is of utmost importance—stay informed and proactive!


Do all types of filament absorb moisture at the same rate?

No, not all types of filament exhibit the same level of moisture absorption. Some filaments, like nylon, PVA (polyvinyl alcohol), and certain composite materials, are highly hygroscopic and have a tendency to absorb moisture from the atmosphere more readily compared to other filaments like PLA (polylactic acid) or PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol). The level of moisture absorption varies based on the filament's chemical composition and hygroscopic properties.

Is There a Way to Measure the Moisture Content of Filament?

While there are no direct tools like moisture meters for wood specifically tailored for filament, there are indirect methods to gauge the moisture content in filament. Firstly, the visual and auditory signs of moisture, such as stringing, popping sounds, or steam during printing, can be strong indicators. Another effective method is weighing the filament before and after drying it in a filament dryer. Filaments absorb moisture and become heavier; thus, a decrease in weight post-drying can indicate moisture loss. Additionally, filament dryers often have settings to help maintain optimal humidity levels for various filament types. Lastly, adhering to the manufacturer's storage guidelines, such as using desiccants and airtight containers, can help maintain the filament in a dry state, minimizing moisture absorption risks.

How Often Should I Check and Maintain My Filament Storage Conditions?

It's advisable to routinely monitor and maintain the storage conditions of your filament to prevent moisture absorption. The frequency of checks depends on various factors, such as the local humidity levels, the type of filament, and the storage environment. However, a general recommendation is to inspect filament storage conditions regularly, especially if you live in a humid environment or if your filament isn't used frequently. Consider inspecting your filament every few weeks, or at least once a month. Additionally, maintaining a consistent storage environment with controlled humidity levels can significantly reduce the need for frequent checks.