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How to Level a 3D Printer Bed

  • 7 min read

Perfecting3D Prints: How to Level a Printer Bed

Achieving flawless 3D prints is a pursuit that demands attention to every detail, from selecting the right filament to fine-tuning print settings. Yet, there's a foundational step that often goes unnoticed but plays a critical role in the printing process: leveling the printer bed. Proper bed leveling ensures that your 3D print adheres consistently, layer upon layer, and ultimately leads to more successful and accurate creations. In this guide, we will unravel the art of how to level a 3D printer bed, equipping you with the knowledge and techniques to elevate your 3D printing game to new heights.

Preparation and Tools Before Levelling3D Printer Bed

Before diving into how to level a 3D printer bed, it's essential to ensure you're well-prepared, which will make the process go more smoothly. So, what do you need to get started?

  1. Clean and Clear Workspace:
    Ensure your 3Dprinter is on a stable and level surface. A shaky table or uneven floor can throw off your leveling efforts. Clear any clutter around the printer to give yourself ample space to work.
  2. A Clean Print Bed:
    Before you start, make sure the print bed is clean. Any debris or leftover filament can affect the leveling process. Use a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol to gently clean the surface.
  3. Proper Lighting:
    Good lighting is crucial. You'll need to see small gaps and adjustments clearly. If your workspace isn't well-lit, consider using a portable lamp.
  4. Tools for Leveling:
    Different printers have different requirements. However, some common tools you might need include:
  • Thumb Screws or Knobs:Most printers come with these, and they're used to adjust the bed's height.
  • A Sheet of Paper:This is a simple yet effective tool to gauge the distance between the nozzle and the bed during manual leveling.
  • A Ruler or Calipers:For those who want precise measurements, a ruler or calipers can be handy.
  1. Updated Printer Firmware:
    Ensure your printer's firmware is up-to-date. Some updates might include improved automatic bed leveling features or other calibration enhancements.
  2. 6. Reference Materials:
    If you're unsure about any step, have your printer's manual or online tutorials at hand. Different models might have specific leveling procedures, so it's always good to refer to model-specific instructions.

How to Level3D Printer Bed?

Achieving the perfect print starts with a well-leveled bed. Let's break down the process of how to level a 3D printer step by step.

Manual Bed Leveling

Manual bed leveling might sound intimidating, especially if you're new to 3D printing. But with patience and the right approach, it's a straightforward process. Here's how to manually level a 3D printer bed:

  1. Preheat Your Printer:
    Start by preheating your printer to its typical printing temperature. This ensures that all components expand as they would during a regular print, giving you a more accurate leveling.
  2. Home the Printer:
    Use your printer's control panel or software to home the printer. This sets the nozzle to its starting position.
  3. Disable Stepper Motors:
    Once the printer is homed, disable the stepper motors. This allows you to move the print head and bed manually.
  4. Start with One Corner:
    Slide a sheet of paper between the nozzle and the bed. Adjust the thumb screw or knob of that corner until the nozzle lightly grips the paper. You should feel a slight resistance when moving the paper, but it shouldn't tear.
  5. Repeat for All Corners:
    Move the print head to each corner and repeat the process. Ensure that the nozzle grips the paper with the same resistance at each corner.
  6. Check the Center:
    After leveling the corners, move the print head to the center of the bed. The nozzle should still grip the paper with the same resistance. If not, you might need to adjust the bed's overall tilt.
  7. Test Print:
    Once you're satisfied, do a test print. Look for any signs of poor adhesion or warping. If you notice any issues, you might need to fine-tune the leveling.

Assisted and Automatic Bed Leveling

For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, automatic bed leveling is a game-changer.

  1. Install a Bed Leveling Sensor:
    If your printer doesn't come with one, you'll need to install a bed leveling sensor. This sensor detects variations in the bed's surface.
  2. Update Firmware:
    Ensure your printer's firmware supports automatic bed leveling. Some printers might require a firmware update.
  3. Start the Leveling Process:
    Use your printer's control panel or software to start the automatic leveling process. The printer will probe various points on the bed to detect any unevenness.
  4. Adjust Z-Offset:
    Once the probing is complete, you might need to adjust the Z-offset. This determines the nozzle's starting height for a print. Adjust it so that the first layer adheres well without being too squished or too loose.
  5. Save Settings:
    After adjusting the Z-offset, save the settings. This ensures the printer remembers the bed leveling data for future prints.
  6. Test Print:
    As with manual leveling, always do a test print after automatic leveling. This helps you ensure that the bed is indeed level and that the first layer adheres well.

    Whether you choose manual or automatic bed leveling, the goal is the same: a well-leveled bed that ensures optimal print quality.

Tips for Effective Bed Leveling

Achieving the perfect bed leveling can sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if you're new to 3D printing. But don't worry! Here are some tried-and-true tips to ensure you get it right every time.

  1. Maintain a Clean Bed:
    Before you even start the leveling process, ensure your bed is clean. Any debris, dust, or leftover filament can throw off your leveling efforts. A simple wipe with isopropyl alcohol can make a world of difference.
  2. Use the Right Tools:
    While many 3Dprinters come with the necessary tools for bed leveling, investing in a good quality set of calipers or a reliable leveling sensor can make the process more accurate.
  3. Be Consistent:
    When using the paper method for manual bed leveling, ensure you use the same type of paper each time. Different papers have varying thicknesses, which can affect the leveling.
  4. Check After Major Prints:
    After a long or particularly intricate print, it's a good idea to check the bed leveling. Extended printing sessions can sometimes cause slight shifts.
  5. Listen to Your Printer:
    Sometimes, you can hear if something's off. If the nozzle scrapes the bed or if there's an unusual sound during the first layer, it might be time to recheck the leveling.
  6. Look for Signs in the First Layer:
    The first layer of your print can tell you a lot about your bed leveling. If it's too thin or too thick in places, or if there are gaps between lines, you might need to adjust.
  7. Don't Over-Tighten:
    When adjusting the bed, be gentle. Over-tightening can damage the bed or the leveling screws. It's always better to make small, gradual adjustments.
  8. Consider Upgrading:
    If you find manual bed leveling too tedious, consider upgrading to a printer with automatic bed leveling or adding a leveling sensor to your current printer. It can save time and improve accuracy.AnkerMake M5 3D Printerand AnkerMake M5C 3D Printer are excellent choices for those looking for reliable printers with easy bed leveling features. Both of them feature 7×7 auto-leveling, ensuring that your prints start on a perfectly level playing field, setting the stage for impressive results. Additionally, their impressive speed of up to 500 mm/s combined with a detailed accuracy of 0.1 mm makes them stand out.

When Should I Level My3D Printer Bed?

Leveling your 3D printer bed is a fundamental step in ensuring the success of your prints. But how often should I level my 3D printer, and what are the signs that it's time to level? Let's delve into it.

  1. Before Every Print:
    It might sound excessive, but many experienced 3Dprinting enthusiasts recommend checking the bed leveling before every print. Even if you don't adjust it every time, a quick check can save you from a failed print later on.
  2. After Transporting Your Printer:
    If you've moved your printer, whether it's from one room to another or to a different location altogether, it's a good idea to check the bed leveling. Movement can cause shifts in the printer's alignment.
  3. Following a Print Failure:
    If a print doesn't adhere to the bed or warps during the process, it's a clear sign that the bed might be out of level. Before starting another print, take a few minutes to ensure the bed is level.
  4. After Extensive Use:
    Even if you haven't encountered any issues, it's a good practice to check the bed leveling after every 10-15 prints. Over time, the constant heating and cooling of the bed can lead to slight changes in its alignment.
  5. When Changing the Print Surface:
    If you're switching from a glass bed to a magnetic one, or vice versa, you'll need to re-level. Different surfaces can have slight variations in thickness and flatness.
  6. After Maintenance or Upgrades:
    Any time you perform maintenance on your printer or install upgrades, it's wise to check the bed leveling. Even something as simple as replacing a nozzle can affect the printer's alignment.


With the right approach and a bit of patience, learning how to level a 3D printer bed becomes a straightforward process. Whether you opt for manual bed leveling or the convenience of automatic leveling, the key is consistency and attention to detail. A well-leveled bed is the foundation of a successful print. By ensuring that your printer's bed is level, you're not only guaranteeing the quality of your prints but also prolonging the life of your printer. So, the next time you're gearing up for a printing session, take a moment to check the bed leveling. Your future self, marveling at a flawless print, will thank you.


How often should I level my3D printer bed?

It's a common question, and the answer can vary based on your printer and usage. However, as a general rule of thumb, it's good to check the leveling before every print. Additionally, after any significant movement of the printer, after a series of long prints, or if you notice any inconsistencies in your prints, it's a good idea to recheck the leveling.

Why can’t I level my3D printer bed?

If you're struggling with leveling, there could be several reasons. The bed itself might be warped, the leveling screws could be damaged, or there might be debris preventing a flat surface. Ensure your printer is on a stable surface, clean the bed thoroughly, and if you're still facing issues, consider seeking advice from the printer manufacturer or a 3D printing community.

Can I level my3D printer bed automatically?

Yes, many modern 3D printers come with automatic bed leveling features. These printers use sensors to detect the bed's surface and adjust accordingly. If your printer doesn't have this feature, there are upgrades available that can add automatic leveling capabilities.