10Frighteningly AwesomeHalloween Models
Halloween is just around the corner,and it's the perfect time to get creative with your3D printer. Whether you're looking to decorate your home, create unique gifts, or simply indulge in some spooky fun, AnkerMake hasgot you covered. Here, we've curated a list of 10 fantastic 3D printing models that are sure to add a touch of eeriness to your Halloween celebrations. Let's dive right in!
-Model Link:https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/models/606861f3f8a81639c6e7f739047179ed/Pumpkin%20Lantern/?ref=home
- Print Material: AnkerMakePLA+ Filament(Orange)
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: This3D-printedjack-o-lanternis a great Halloween decorationthat doubles as a night light. Once printed, anLED is installed inside the pumpkin, casting a warm glow that's perfect for spooky Halloween nights.

2.Hinged Miniature Skull
- Model Link:https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/models/86a0746f2332e61ccd152500b4bcd0b6/Hinged%20Miniature%20Skull/?ref=home
- Print Material: AnkerMakePLA+ Filament(White)
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: Take this jointed skeleton keychain along for your Halloween festivities. With its movable joints, it's not just a keychain, but a fun and spooky companion thatyou can take anywhere.

3.Custom3D Printed Designwith MakeItReal 3D Paint
- Design Link: Make It Real 3D Paint (https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/apps/3dpaint/)
- Description: Unleash your creativity with AnkerMake'sMakeItReal3D Paint feature. Design your own spooky creations and bring them to life with your AnkerMake 3D printer.

👇🏻Thefollowing Halloween models have beenselected from other excellent3D model websites. You can also use the model search functionon the Make It Real platform to explore more cool models.https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/search/
4.WitchyCat by b3dmaker
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5427781
- Print Material: Eryone SilkBlack andPurplePLA
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: This whimsical witchy cat is the perfect Halloween decoration for cat lovers.

5.Halloween Fidget Toys by FLA_Labs
- Model Link: Halloween Fidget Toys (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5558734)
- Print Material: FlashForge Burnt TitaniumPLA
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: These articulating pumpkin, ghost, and bat fidget toys are perfect for keeping your hands busy during spooky movie marathons.

6.Halloween Keychains by Maker_Mathieu
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3178723
- Print Material: FlashForge Burnt TitaniumPLA
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: These ghost, cat, and pumpkin keychains will add a touch of Halloween spirit to your keys.

7.Halloween Skull Candy Bowl by JSchulze
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5001183
- Print Material: AnkerMake White FilamentPLA+
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: This spooky skull-shaped candy bowl is perfect for holding treats for trick-or-treaters.

8.Jack-O-Lantern Decoration Kit byTinkerology
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:33263
- Print Material: Amolen Glow StarrySky Blue
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: Create your own pumpkinpatch with these fun and easy-to-assemble decorations.

9.Halloween Crow by danman
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1091364
- Print Material: Amolen Glow Starry Sky Blue
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description: Thissinister-looking crowis a must-have addition to any Halloween decor.

10.Halloween Bats by TheSubaruJunkie
- Model Link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5014168
- Print Material: Amolen Glow Starry Sky Blue
- Layer Height: 0.2mm
- Description:Print out a few ofthese and place them around yourhome to complete the Halloween look.
Those were just a few of ourfavorites. You can find even more by searching at https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/search/, or you can even make your own—there's really no limit to what you can create. So get out there and start making!

Those were just a few of ourfavorites. You can find even more by searching at https://makeitreal.ankermake.com/search/, or you can even make your own—there's really no limit to what you can create. So get out there and start making!
Also, don't forget to participate in our competition on Instagram and Discord for a chance to win 6 kg of AnkerMake Filament. You can learn more here.
Keep Making,
The AnkerMake Team