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Strongest 3D Printer Filament-Maverick

  • 6 min read

Strongest 3D Printer Filament Guide 2024: Withstanding Time

In the world of additive manufacturing, enthusiasts and professionals are constantly seeking materials that provide durable, resilient results. The strongest 3D printer filament is the Holy Grail of the quest for maximizing print performance. This article will hop into the various aspects of filament strength: defining and understanding the meaning of "strength" for 3D printer filament, discussing some of the most robust options available today, and offering valuable tips to enhance the solidity of your 3D-printed projects. Get ready to take your 3D printing game to the next level with the strongest 3D printing filament on the market.

What Does Strength Mean for 3D Printer Filament?

When describing the strength or how strong 3D printing filament is, it encompasses several key properties, each critical in its own right:
Tensile Strength: Tensile strength measures how much stress a filament can withstand while being stretched before breaking. It's usually quantified in PSI (pounds per square inch), a unit that indicates the force exerted per unit area. In the context of 3D printing, using filament with high tensile strength can result in more robust and sturdy prints, an essential feature for functional parts under mechanical stress.
Impact Resistance: A filament's impact resistance gauges its ability to resist sudden, forceful impacts without deforming, cracking, or shattering. Filaments with high impact resistance are invaluable for creating parts that need to withstand shocks or strikes, like protective cases or gears.
Flexibility: Some applications require filaments that can bend without breaking. Flexibility is a strength attribute that allows for movement and bending, making it key for parts that need to be less rigid.
Heat Resistance: The ability of a filament to maintain its properties under high temperatures is another aspect of strength. This is particularly important for objects that will be exposed to heat or sunlight.
Therefore, when we talk about the 'strength' of a 3D printer filament, we're referring to a complex interplay of properties that determine how a filament will react under various conditions.

What's the Strongest 3D Printer Filament?

Building upon our understanding of the diverse dimensions of strength in 3D printer filaments, the quest to pinpoint the strongest filament necessitates a focus on those materials demonstrating superior performance across these key strength characteristics. Here are some of the top contenders:


Polycarbonate (PC) filaments have excellent impact strength, temperature resistance, and light weight properties. They are lauded for their exemplary tensile strength, exceeding 5200 PSI, making them the preferred choice in functional prototyping and printing of durable parts such as medical instruments and protective equipment. The filament also possesses commendable resistance to UV rays and chemicals. However, its high printing temperature and sensitivity to moisture can make it challenging to work with.


Nylon emerges as one of the strongest materials for 3D printing with its supreme tensile strength, typically around 7,000 PSI. This filament is renowned for its combination of strength, flexibility, and impact resistance. Nylon's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from mechanical components to consumer goods. However, the filament's generally hygroscopic nature, proneness to warping, and the necessity for a high printing temperature of 220-270°C make it slightly more challenging than other filaments.


While Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) may not match the tensile strength of materials like Polycarbonate or Nylon, its combination of flexibility and toughness is unmatched, making it to be still on the strongest filament list. It is especially suitable for printing wearable items like footwear, phone cases, prosthetics, and protective gear due to its adjustable stiffness. However, TPU can be quite difficult to 3D print using Bowden extruders due to its flexible nature and sometimes require slower printing speeds to avoid jams.


PLA is the most popular filament in 3D printing, primarily due to its environmental friendliness and ease of use. It is a biodegradable thermoplastic derived from renewable resources like corn starch or sugarcane. PLA is not the strongest filament for 3D printer as compared to the first three on the list. Still, it is quite robust, with good tensile strength and print quality. PLA prints at a lower temperature (180-220°C) and does not require a heated bed, making it ideal for beginners. However, it isn't resistant to high temperatures and may deform if left in a hot car or under direct sunlight, which limits its application for heat-sensitive uses.
At AnkerMake, we take pride in offering PLA 3D printer filaments that not only meet but exceed the standard expectations of strength and reliability. Our PLA filaments, optimized for high-speed printing, have been rigorously tested in our Speed Lab for over 12 months. These extensive tests have showcased the filaments' resilience and durability, characteristics essential for high-strength 3D printing. Featuring a minimal shrinkage rate of just 0.33%, our filaments ensure precise and consistent printing, addressing common challenges like brittleness that often compromise filament strength.


How to Improve the Strength of 3D Prints?

Improving the strength of 3D prints is a multifaceted challenge that involves not only choosing the right filament but also mastering various printing and post-processing techniques. Here are some key strategies to consider:


  1. Using High-Strength Filaments:As discussed in the previous section, selecting a filament with inherent strength properties that match your project's needs is vital. For instance, using a filament with high tensile strength for parts that will bear loads or high heat resistance for parts exposed to high temperatures.
  1. Improving Extrusion: The extrusion's quality affects how well filament layers stick together. A higher-quality extruder can produce prints with better interlayer adhesion, improving their strength.
  1. Increasing Infill Density: Infill density is directly proportional to the part's strength. If a print's infill density is low, it is likely to be weak. Increasing infill density makes prints stronger, although it uses more material.
  1. Printing with Dense Layer Heights: Layer height also influences a print's strength. A lower layer height can result to a stronger bond between layers due to a smaller vertical distance between each filament strand.
  1. Post Processing: Techniques like annealing can significantly improve the strength of the part. This process involves heating a printed part in an oven at a temperature just below its print temperature, which can help reduce residual stresses and improve mechanical properties.
By understanding and applying these strategies, you can significantly enhance the durability and functionality of your 3D printed objects, ensuring they meet both aesthetic and performance criteria. In our efforts at AnkerMake to optimize the strength of 3D prints, we're proud to introduce our AnkerMake M5 and M5C 3D printers, each designed to enhance printing efficiency and quality.

Our AnkerMake M5 3D Printer redefines printing speed, reaching up to 500 mm/s without sacrificing precision, thanks to its 0.1 mm accuracy. Its robust aluminum alloy structure supports a substantial print volume of 235×235×250 mm³. The M5's 7x7 auto-leveling mechanism simplifies setup, and the built-in AI camera offers both monitoring and time-lapse video capabilities. This combination of speed, precision, and user-friendly features makes the M5 an ideal choice for strong, detailed prints.
Our AnkerMake M5C 3D Printer offers enhanced versatility with the same impressive speed of 500 mm/s. It stands out with its customizable one-click button, streamlining the printing process. Its precision remains unparalleled at 0.1 mm, ensuring that even the most intricate details are captured in your prints. Like the M5, the M5C also boasts a 7x7 auto-leveling feature, ensuring a smooth and efficient printing process. Its impressive extrusion flow of 35 mm³/s further contributes to the printer's efficiency and strength in output.


To conclude, it's clear that the strongest 3D printer filament is a concept that transcends mere toughness. Each filament, from Polycarbonate to PLA, offers distinct advantages and strengths. The true potential of these materials is unlocked by matching the right filament to your project's specific needs and mastering techniques to enhance their strength. As the 3D printing landscape evolves, so do the opportunities to utilize these advanced materials to bring innovative ideas to fruition.


Here are some commonly asked questions about the strongest 3D printer filament.

Which is stronger? PLA, nylon or PETG?

Among PLA, Nylon, and PETG, PETG is generally considered the strongest, especially when evaluating overall tensile strength, durability, and ease of use. While Nylon excels in impact resistance and flexibility, and PLA is known for its user-friendliness and good tensile strength, PETG offers a superior combination of strength and durability, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications.

Is PLA stronger than TPU?

PLA is stronger than TPU when it comes to tensile strength, meaning it can withstand more force without stretching or breaking. This makes PLA more rigid and better suited for structural parts that need to hold their shape. However, TPU outperforms PLA in terms of durability and abrasion resistance, making it more suitable for objects that need to withstand wear & tear.

Can strong filaments be used on any 3D printer?

Not all 3D printers are compatible with strong filaments like Polycarbonate or Nylon. The ability to use these materials depends on the printer's extruder temperature range, bed temperature capabilities, and mechanical design. Always check your printer's specifications or manufacturer's guidelines to confirm compatibility before using these robust materials.